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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

31 days of Living Well & Spending Zero

31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero.  Freeze your spending.  Change Your Life.  Awesome way to reset your spending patterns or kick-start your budget!

I came across a link to this blog today, and I have to tell you, I'm intrigued. I know I spend way too much money on things that simply don't matter. Nail polish here, cute socks there, a new shirt for one of the kids, a toy for the dog.. I wonder how much money I could save if I just stopped doing that for a month? So we're going to do it!

I am really excited about the prospect of saving money, and realizing what I've already got. I know I don't need more STUFF, but sometimes I spend without thinking twice. What's going to "hurt" the most for me will be meals out. I adore eating out.. It's seriously  my favorite past time. Coffees are going to be another big problem for me.. but I'll probably save $25 in coffee alone.

Anybody want to join us??