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Monday, March 26, 2012

Our first two weeks

Our first two weeks as a family of four have passed, and I honestly don't know where they went. Garrett has been a very easy baby so far. Maybe I shouldn't even type that. Maybe I just condemned myself to a difficult baby. Dang it!

G's first trip to the park. He slept through it :)

No, but really.. these two weeks have been a lot easier than I expected. Jason was home for the first week, so I was (blessedly) able to recover from surgery and get a good bit of rest. We were on our own last week, and it went so much better than I thought it would be.

Precious sibling love

People keep asking if Katie is jealous, and I'm so happy to say that she's not. She rocks Garrett when he cries, and she says the Katie version of "He's crying!" ("He lyin, he lyin!") to me. She goes and gets diapers from the diaper drawer, and she throws them away after I change them. She pets and kisses her baby brother, and I can tell she really loves him.

See??  Kisses!

G is really easy for a newborn, I think. He eats every 3 hours during the day, but cluster feeds at night. For the first 10 days I rarely got more than 30 minutes between feedings from 8 pm to 11 pm, but that is slowing down, too. And really, it wasn't that bad because after 11 pm, he would sleep a good 4 hours. 4 hours is a lot for a newborn. (TIP: G didn't want to sleep in his bassinet the first few nights, and we didn't want him to get accustomed to sleeping on Jason's chest. Someone suggested that we put a heating pad in the bassinet, warm it up, and then turn it off before we lay him in there. That's been a life-saver! He's slept there ever since!)

Seriously.. could he be any cuter??

And one thing that's really been wonderful is that he doesn't have reflux. At least not yet..  I know the reflux could rear it's ugly head any time, but it isn't here right now. And let me tell ya, having a baby who spits up the normal amount is about a gajillion times less stressful than that reflux crap.

Hanging out in his Rock N Play, the best invention ever.

So, all this to say that our first two weeks as a family of four went surprisingly well. Now bring on week #3!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I am a brand new fan! I absolutely love your blog so far and look forward to reading more! <3 Kristle @
